
Ingvild Vartdal

Ingvild Vartdal


Ingvild is deeply engaged in local industry and commerce and is an active and dedicated advisor for her clients in processes connected with for example  transactions, merges and demerges, capitalization and the establishment of strategic alliances. 

Ingvild has a respectable competence with corporate tax and international tax law and regularly assists in connection with tax optimization. She also has thourough experience from advising in connection with shipping taxation. In addition to this, she often assists with structuring of ownership in family businesses. 

Ingvild has great experience as an advisor that combines her legal competence with an extensive commercial approach in addition to creative solutions. Ingvild has many years of experience with demanding proceedings. With Ingvild on their team our clients get a decisive and honest advisor that dares to stand by the client. 

Ingvild rapidly uncovers both the legal and commercial aspects of the problem to be addressed and works to achieve the best legal and commercial solutions.

Ingvild also has a considerable amount of board positions, and knows the commercial life in the region well. She has extensive experience in business management, both in private and public companies. 

Previously, Ingvild has worked as a lawyer and partner in Schjødt AS in Ålesund. Before this, she was a lawyer at KPMG Law, after a few years as a legal advisor at the tax office in Bærum. She has also been a member of the law committee for tax law where she contributed in connection with law reviews. Ingvild attended the University of Oslo. 

T: +47 97 19 18 12

E: ingvild.vartdal@adviso.no

Ole-Reinhart Notø

Ole-Reinhart Notø


Ole-Reinhart Notø has a broad and comprehensive experience with business law counseling, assisting both private and listed companies. He acts as both a legal advisor and strategic collaborator for boards and top managements. 

Ole-Reinhart is specialized in company and contract law and assists on all levels of investment- and transactions processes, from planning and structuring, through negotiations and contract preparations, until implementations and subsequent restructuring.

He puts together the most competent teams and assists with shaping relevant contracts, such as Non Disclosure Agreements, Letters Of Intent, Share Purchase Agreements, Business Transfer Agreements and Shareholder Agreements.

Ole-Reinhart also holds an MBA and combines his legal counselling with commercial and economical competence and understanding. He is determined, direct, engaged and goal-oriented in his advising. He focuses on securing long-term profitability with his advice, through contracting and resourceful investments, in addition to avoiding or minimizing conflicts, reputational and financial loss.

Ole-Reinhart has extensive experience with financial restructuring. Furthermore, he has pronouned experience with dispute resolution and with negotiations and Court proceedings.

Ole-Reinhart is genuinely interested in the commercial market in the region, and has a number of board positions, also as chairman. Because of this, he has wide knowledge in a broad specter of businesses and is a strong contributor also in strategical and ownership processes. Ole-Reinhart has worked as a business lawyer in Ålesund for more than 25 years, hereunder for 11 years as a partner in Schjødt AS in Ålesund. He has attended the University of Oslo and the Commercial College of BI. 

T: +47 97 06 10 44

E: ole-reinhart.noto@adviso.no

Runar Nordby Johnsen

Runar Nordby Johnsen


Runar has extensive experience with different aspects of business law, including contractual issues.

Runar is specialized in corporate and contract law, and assists clients with corporate changes and restructuring. He also has thorough experience with transactions, including contractual negotiations and due-diligence. He also works with real estate, hereunder transactions as well as rental contracts and issues related to public authorities. Runar has license to act as a real estate agent.

Runar has broad experience with corporate taxation, including issues related to transfer pricing.

Moreover, Runar also has a Master in Accounting and Auditing in addition to his legal education. Because of this, he has great understanding of the different economical aspects of clients, including questions related to accounting and valuation. He works closely with local auditors related to corporate restructuring, and related tax issues.

Before Runar came to ADVISO, he worked at Deloitte law firm in Bergen for 5 years. He has attended the University of Bergen, and Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.

Martin Olsen Høye

Martin Olsen Høye


T: +47 91 73 24 22

E: martin.hoye@adviso.no

Birgitte Vaagen Rekdal

Birgitte Vaagen Rekdal


Birgitte works mainly with employment law and has special experience with negotiations and solving individual conflicts in working life as well as reorganizations and downsizing processes.

She also has experience on the matters of business transfer, privacy and data protection law, immaterial values and rights. 

Furthermore, Birgitte assists with preparing contracts of employment and final settlements, and with terminations, dismissals and suspension. 

Birgitte also frequently conducts cases for the Courts. Furthermore, Birgitte assists with transaction processes and with drafting relevant contracts in this matter. 

She also has experience with tax law and general contract law.

Birgitte attended the University of Bergen and has worked for ADVISO since she completed her studies in 2014. During her studies she specialized within tax- and corporate law. 

Silje Bruun Teigen

Silje Bruun Teigen


Silje fullførte mastergraden i rettsvitenskap ved UIB høsten 2007, med masteroppgave i kontraktsrett og spesialisering innen selskapsrettslige tema ved University of Southampton.

Hun har bred og omfattende erfaring  innen en rekke fagfelt, som både omfatter forretningsjus og generell forvaltningsrett/offentlig rett.  Silje har over 10 års arbeidserfaring fra stillinger som dommerfullmektig, og spesialisert rådgiver i Konkurransetilsynet, Klagenemnda for offentlige anskaffelser og Kystverket. Siljes viktigste arbeidsområder i ADVISO er offentlige anskaffelser, generell kontraktsrett og tvisteløsning. Hun har solid erfaring fra fagfeltet konkurranserett og offentlige anskaffelser, samt tvisteløsning. Silje vil bistå klienten med rådgivning, i klageprosesser og tvister for domstolene.

Effektivitet, tilgjengelighet og konstruktive juridiske løsninger kjennetegner Siljes arbeid.

T: +47 934 14 262

E: silje.bruun.teigen@adviso.no

Maria Berdal Wiik

Maria Berdal Wiik

Office Manager

Maria has a broad work experience. She has, for example, been working as an accountant. She has great insight to processes in business, this includes all sides of office administration. 

T: +47 99 26 40 63

E: maria.wiik@adviso.no

Maria Gjøsund

Maria Gjøsund


Maria har vært ansatt som advokatfullmektig i ADVISO siden fullførte studier våren 2019, men har før dette hatt traineeopphold og skriveplass hos oss. Som advokatfullmektig arbeider Maria bredt og innenfor de fleste rettsområdene til ADVISO.

Maria har mastergrad i rettsvitenskap fra Universitetet i Bergen. Hun har vist en særlig interesse for arbeidsrett gjennom studiet, og masteroppgaven hadde temaet «Arbeidsgivers adgang til oppsigelse ved hyppig og langvarig sykefravær». I tillegg har Maria gjennom valgfag spesialisert seg i selskapsrett. "

T: +47 90 14 17 98

E: maria.gjosund@adviso.no

Oda Ørmen Vinjevoll

Oda Ørmen Vinjevoll


T: +47 41 64 41 70

E: oda.vinjevoll@adviso.no

Magnus Solevåg

Magnus Solevåg


T: +47 97 98 61 84

E: magnus.solevag@adviso.no

Karina Kviebakk Mauren

Karina Kviebakk Mauren


Karina ble ansatt hos ADVISO våren 2021, og arbeider bredt innenfor de fleste av våre fagfelt. 

Karina leverte sin masteroppgave i Rettsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Oslo våren 2021. Hun skrev masteroppgaven «Sameksistens til sjøs - Ivaretakelse av miljø- og arealinteresser gjennom reglene om strategisk planlegging av havvind» som del av sin stilling som vitenskapelig assistent ved Nordisk Institutt for Sjørett. Stillingen hos instituttet ga også innblikk i en rekke andre rettsområder, herunder kontraktsrett, EU/EØS-rett, konsesjonsrett og sjørett. Våren 2020 deltok Karina i arbeidet til NAV-utvalget om gransking av feilpraktiseringen av folketrygdlovens oppholdskrav ved reiser i EØS-området.

Underveis i studiet har Karina vist en bred interesse for offentligrettslige og forretningsjuridiske problemstillinger. Hun har blant annet arbeidet hos Jussbuss, en frivillig rettshjelpsorganisasjon, og som sommervikar hos Plan- og bygningsetaten i Oslo. Karina har også hatt flere trainee-opphold hos ulike advokatfirmaer, blant annet hos oss i ADVISO.

T: +47 98 67 93 50

E: karina.mauren@adviso.no

Marita Aarflot Silset

Marita Aarflot Silset


T: +47 98 83 20 95

E: marita.silset@adviso.no

Fredrik Astad Sve

Fredrik Astad Sve


T: +47 95 18 79 58

E: fredrik.sve@adviso.no

Even Arvik Langseth

Even Arvik Langseth


T: +47 46 81 92 95

E: even.langseth@adviso.no

Ann Kristin Torheim Iversen

Ann Kristin Torheim Iversen